











The door of the box opened and Courtenay Youghal entered, bringing with him subtle suggestion of chaminade and an atmosphere of political tension.  The Government had fallen out of the good graces of a section of its supporters, and those who were not in the know were busy predicting a serious crisis over a forthcoming division in the Committee stage of an important Bill.  This was Saturday night, and unless some successful cajolery were effected between now and Monday afternoon, Ministers would be, seemingly, in danger of defeat.

“Ah, here is Youghal,” said the Archdeacon; “he will be able to tell us what is going to happen in the next forty-eight hours.  I hear the Prime Minister says it is a matter of conscience, and they will stand or fall by it.”

His hopes and sympathies were notoriously on the Ministerial side.

Youghal greeted Lady Caroline and subsided gracefully into a chair well in the front of the box.  A buzz of recognition rippled slowly across the house.

“For the Government to fall on a matter of conscience,” he said, “would be like a man cutting himself with a safety razor.”

Lady Caroline purred a gentle approval.

“I’m afraid it’s true, Archdeacon,” she said.

No one can effectively defend a Government when it’s been in office several years.  The Archdeacon took refuge in light skirmishing.

“I believe Lady Caroline sees the makings of a great Socialist statesman in you, Youghal,” he observed.

“Great Socialist statesmen aren’t made, they’re stillborn,” replied Youghal.

さりはま の紹介

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