サキの長編小説「耐えがたきバシントン」 15章169回



Elaine sitting with Courtenay at an elaborately appointed luncheon table, gay with high goblets of Bohemian glassware, was mistress of three discoveries.  First, to her disappointment, that if you frequent the more expensive hotels of Europe you must be prepared to find, in whatever country you may chance to be staying, a depressing international likeness between them all.  Secondly, to her relief, that one is not expected to be sentimentally amorous during a modern honeymoon.  Thirdly, rather to her dismay, that Courtenay Youghal did not necessarily expect her to be markedly affectionate in private.  Someone had described him, after their marriage, as one of Nature’s bachelors, and she began to see how aptly the description fitted him.

“Will those Germans on our left never stop talking?” she asked, as an undying flow of Teutonic small talk rattled and jangled across the intervening stretch of carpet.  “Not one of those three women has ceased talking for an instant since we’ve been sitting here.”

さりはま の紹介

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