サキの長編小説 「耐えがたきバシントン」 16章183回


Comus rose impatiently from his seat, and walked wearily across the hut to another window-opening which commanded a broad view of the river.  There was something which fascinated and then depressed one in its ceaseless hurrying onward sweep, its tons of water rushing on for all time, as long as the face of the earth should remain unchanged.  On its further shore could be seen spread out at intervals other teeming villages, with their cultivated plots and pasture clearings, their moving dots which meant cattle and goats and dogs and children.  And far up its course, lost in the forest growth that fringed its banks, were hidden away yet more villages, human herding-grounds where men dwelt and worked and bartered, squabbled and worshipped, sickened and perished, while the river went by with its endless swirl and rush of gleaming waters.  One could well understand primitive early races making propitiatory sacrifices to the spirit of a great river on whose shores they dwelt.  Time and the river were the two great forces that seemed to matter here.

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