サキの長編小説 16章 189回







Amid all its laughing throngs, its card parties and race-meetings and country-house gatherings, he was just a mere name, remembered or forgotten, Comus Bassington, the boy who went away.  He had loved himself very well and never troubled greatly whether anyone else really loved him, and now he realised what he had made of his life.  And at the same time he knew that if his chance were to come again he would throw it away just as surely, just as perversely.  Fate played with him with loaded dice; he would lose always.

One person in the whole world had cared for him, for longer than he could remember, cared for him perhaps more than he knew, cared for him perhaps now.  But a wall of ice had mounted up between him and her, and across it there blew that cold-breath that chills or kills affection.

The words of a well-known old song, the wistful cry of a lost cause, rang with insistent mockery through his brain:

“Better loved you canna be, Will ye ne’er come back again?”

If it was love that was to bring him back he must be an exile for ever.  His epitaph in the mouths of those that remembered him would be, Comus Bassington, the boy who never came back.

And in his unutterable loneliness he bowed his head on his arms, that he might not see the joyous scrambling frolic on yonder hillside.

さりはま の紹介

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