
ディッキーが穴蔵に入ってきた。「かあさん、とうさん、見て! 時計を手に入れたんだ、それも金時計だよ」






Dicky entered at a burst. ‘Mother—father—look! I done a click! I got a clock—a red ‘un!’

Josh Perrott stopped, jaw and hand, with a pinch of fish poised in air. The woman turned, and her chin fell. ‘O, Dicky, Dicky,’ she cried, in real distress, ‘you’re a awful low, wicked boy. My Gawd, Josh, ‘e—’e’ll grow up bad: I said so.’

Josh Perrott bolted the pinch of fish, and sucked his fingers as he sprang to the door. After a quick glance down the stairs he shut it, and turned to Dicky. ‘Where d’je get that, ye young devel?’ he asked, and snatched the watch.

‘Claimed it auf a ol’ bloke w’en ‘e was drinkin’ ‘is tea,’ Dicky replied, with sparkling eyes. ‘Let’s ‘ave a look at it, father.’

‘Did ‘e run after ye?’

‘No—didn’t know nuffin’ about it. I cut ‘is bit o’ ribbin with my knife.’ Dicky held up a treasured relic of blade and handle, found in a gutter. ‘Ain’ cher goin’ to let’s ‘ave a look at it?’


さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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