
今、ディッキーは慎重に社会とむきあい、事実に直面しなければならなかった。たしかにこの世は、これまでも、彼にすれば用心しなければいけないものだったが、そのことを知らなかったわけではなかった。もう彼も、他の少年たちなら自分で盗みをする年頃であり、一人前の大人のように借りができていた。ウィーチ氏がいった言葉は真実だった。ジェイゴウではいたるところで、だれもが自分のために警戒をしている。あきらかに、他の者の手におちないように、彼も自分の持ち物を守らなければならなかった。馬鹿正直なせいで、彼は自分のものを失ってしまい、かわりに父親がその品を手に入れた。父親は自分の力でやすやすと盗むこともできたのに。なんといっても屈強な男なのだから。夜になるのを待って、他の男を打ち倒すだけでいいのだから。ウィーチ氏以外は誰も、将来、盗人になろうとする者の気配に気がつくことはなかった。それぞれが自分を守るだと? そうだ、目をしっかり開けて見張らないといけないのだ。





Now he was beginning the world seriously, and must face the fact. Truly the world had been serious enough for him hitherto, but that he knew not. Now he was of an age when most boys were thieving for themselves, and he owed money like a man. True it was, as Mr Weech had said, that everybody—the whole Jago—was on the look-out for himself. Plainly he must take his share, lest it fall to others. As to the old gentleman’s watch, he had but been beforehand. Through foolish ingenuousness he had lost it, and his father had got it, who could so much more easily steal one for himself; for he was a strong man, and had but to knock over another man at any night-time. Nobody should hear of future clicks but Mr Weech. Each for himself? Come, he must open his eyes.


There was no chance all along Meakin Street. The chandlers and the keepers of cook-shops knew their neighbourhood too well to leave articles unguarded. Soon Dicky reached Shoreditch High Street. There things were a little more favourable. There were shops, as he well remembered, where goods were sometimes exhibited at the doors and outside the windows; but to-day there seemed to be no chance of the sort. As for the people, he was too short to try pockets, and indeed the High Street rarely gave passage to a more unpromising lot. Moreover, from robbery from the person he knew he must abstain, except for such uncommon opportunities as that of the Bishop’s watch, for some years yet.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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