


叫び声があがった。「やっけろ、とうさん。とうーさん! とうーさん!」ディッキーは窓からさけび、ついには声がつまり、喉がしめつけられたようになって咳をした。ふたりともつかみ合い、でこぼこの石畳のうえで、体が前後にゆれた。ビリー・ラリィの鼻から口と顎にかけて血がほとばしった。ふたりが転がった瞬間、父親がラリィの肩に歯をたてる様子がディッキーの目にとびこんできた。双方ともに動きはすばやく、相手をゆさぶりながら相手の足場を崩そうとした。そのときペローは穴につまずいて、足をとられてしまった。そして下に組み敷かれると、ラリィが上になった。

The sparring was not long. There was little of subtlety in the milling of the Jago: mostly no more than a rough application of the main hits and guards, with much rushing and ruffianing. What there was of condition in the two men was Josh’s: smaller and shorter, he had a certain hard brownness of hide that Leary, in his heavy opulence of flesh, lacked; and there was a horny quality in his face and hands that reminded the company of his boast of invulnerability to anything milder than steel. Also his breadth of chest was great. Nevertheless all odds seemed against him, by reason of Billy Leary’s size, reach, and fighting record.

The men rushed together, and Josh was forced back by weight. Leary’s great fists, left and right, shot into his face with smacking reports, but left no mark on the leathery skin, and Josh, fighting for the body, drove his knuckles into the other’s ribs with a force that jerked a thick grunt from Billy’s lips at each blow.

There was a roar of shouts. ‘Go it, father! Fa—ther! Fa—ther!’ Dicky screamed from the window, till his voice broke in his throat and he coughed himself livid. The men were at holds, and swaying this way and that over the uneven stones. Blood ran copiously from Billy Leary’s nose over his mouth and chin, and, as they turned, Dicky saw his father spit away a tooth over Leary’s shoulder. They clipped and hauled to and fro, each striving to break the other’s foothold. Then Perrott stumbled at a hole, lost his feet, and went down, with Leary on top.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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