アーサー・モリスン「ジェイゴウの子ども」30章 136回











As that tradesman saw Dicky, he burst into an eager smile, and came forward. ‘Good mornin’,—er—’ with a quick glance—’Mr Perrott! Good mornin’! You’re quite a stranger, reely!’

Mister Perrott! Mr Weech was very polite. Dicky stopped, and grunted a cautious salutation.

‘Do come in, Mr Perrott. Wy, is the good noos right wot I ‘ear, about yer father a-comin’ ‘ome from—from the country?’

Dicky confirmed the news.

‘Well I am glad t’ ‘ear that now.’ Mr Weech grinned exceedingly, though there was something lacking in his delight. ‘But there, wot’ll you ‘ave, Mr Perrott? Say anythink in the ‘ole shop and welcome! It’s sich an ‘appy occasion, Mr Perrott, I couldn’t think o’ chargin’ you a ‘apeny. ‘Ave a rasher, now, do. There’s one on at this very moment. Sairer! ain’t that rasher done yut?’

Dicky did not understand this liberality, but he had long since adopted the policy of taking all he could get. So he sat at a table, and Mr Weech sat opposite.

‘Jist like ole times, ain’t it?’ said Mr Weech. ‘An’ that reminds me I owe you a shillin’. It’s that pair o’ noo boots you chucked over the back fence a fortnight ago. W’en I come to look at ‘em, they was better’n wot I thought, an’ so I says to meself, “This won’t do,” says I. “On’y ninepence for a pair o’ boots like them ain’t fair,” I says, “an’ I’d rayther be at a lawss on ‘em than not be fair. Fair’s fair, as the apostle David says in the Proverbs, an’ them boots is worth very near one-an’-nine. So I’ll give Mr Perrott another shillin’,” I says, “the very next time I see ‘im.” An’ there it is.’

さりはま の紹介

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