アーサー・モリスン「ジェイゴウの子ども」 32章 142回











Bill Rann called for Josh early the next morning, and they strolled down Old Jago Street in close communion.

‘Are you on for a job?’ asked Bill. ”Cos I got one cut an’ dried—a topper, an’ safe as ‘ouses.’

‘Wot sort o’ job’s this?’

‘Wy a bust—unless we can screw it.’

This meant a breaking-in, with a possibility of a quieter entrance by means of keys. It was unpleasantly suggestive of Josh’s last exploit, but he answered: ‘Awright. Depends, o’ course.’

‘O, it’s a good un.’ Bill Rann grinned for no obvious reason, and slapped his leg to express rapturous amusement. ‘It’s a good un—you can take yer davy o’ that. I bin a thinkin’ about it for a fortnight, but it wants two. Damme, it’s nobby!’ And Bill Rann grinned again, and made two taps of a step-dance. ‘Wotjer think,’ he pursued, suddenly serious, ‘wotjer think o’ screwin’ a fence?’

It was a novel notion, but in Josh’s mind, at first flush, it seemed unsportmanlike. ‘Wot fence?’ asked Josh.

Bill Rann’s grin burst wide again. He bent low, with outstretched chin, and stuck his elbows out as he answered: ‘Wy, ole Weech!’

さりはま の紹介

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