アーサー・モリスン「ジェイゴウの子ども」 33章 145回






「そのとおりだ」ビルは答えた。「だが、そのせいで、あいつは震えあがるんじゃないか?よく考えてみるんだ。もし金を見つけられなかった場合のことを考えてみろ。ウィーチの旦那をそっと、恭しく起こして、俺たちを手伝うように頼むのか? やつはひとりだから、このネディを見れば、喜んで従うだろう。叩く必要もない。そうだ、やつは大声で助けを呼んだりはしない筈だ。警察官がやってきて、やつが不正に買い上げた品物が発覚するのを恐れるだろう。中にはいれば、万事がうまくいくさ」

Hannah Perrott did her best to keep Josh from going out that night. She did not explain her objections, because she did not know precisely what they were, though they were in some sort prompted by his manner; and it was solely because of her constitutional inability to urge them with any persistence that she escaped forcible retort. For Josh was in a savage and self-centred mood.

‘Wy, wot’s up?’ asked Bill Rann, when they met, looking doubtfully in his pal’s face. ‘You ain’t bin boozin’, ‘ave ye?’

Josh repelled the question with a snarl. ‘No I ain’t,’ he said. ‘Got the tools?’ There was a thickness in his voice, with a wildness in his eye, that might well explain his partner’s doubt.

‘Yus. Come under the light. I couldn’t git no twirls, an’ we sha’n’t want ‘em. ‘Ere’s a screwdriver, an’ two gimlets, an’ a knife for the winderketch, an’ a little james, an’ a neddy—’

‘A neddy!’ Josh cut in, scornfully pointing his thumb at the instrument, which some call life-preserver. ‘A neddy for Weech! G-r-r-r! I might take a neddy to a man!’

‘That’s awright,’ Bill replied. ‘But it ‘ud frighten ‘im pretty well, wouldn’t it? Look ‘ere. S’pose we can’t find the oof. W’y shouldn’t we wake up Mr Weech very quiet an’ respeckful, an’ ask ‘im t’ ‘elp us? ‘E’s all alone, an’ I’m sure ‘e’ll be glad to ‘blige, w’en ‘e sees this ‘ere neddy, without waitin’ for a tap. W’y, blimy, I b’lieve ‘e’d be afraid to sing out any’ow, for fear o’ bringin’ in the coppers to find all the stuff ‘e’s bought on the crook! It’s all done, once we’re inside!’

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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