アーサー・モリスン「ジェイゴウの子ども」 33章 156回



足がひどく痛んだ。腫れているのだろうか? きっと、腫れているのだろうと彼は考えた。彼は、ふたたび足をさすった。ディッキーは、何をしているのだろう。ディッキーなら、自分がどこにいるかわかる筈だ。きっと助けてくれるだろう。離れたところで、あらたに叫び声があがった。どうしたのだろうか? おそらくビル・ランを捕まえたのだ。だが、そうしたことはありえなかった。連中は、ビルのことは何も知らない。目にしたのは、たった一人の男なのだから。おそらく店の奥に横たわった肉塊を運んでいるのだろう。愉快な仕事ではないだろう。とりわけ、あの急な階段をおろさなくてはいけないのだから。洗濯小屋には何もなかったし、隣の部屋にも何もなかった。屋根裏部屋には、奇妙な品物があふれていた。きっと金は寝室にあったにちがいない。すえたピクルスの匂いが、とてもきつかった。


Knots of men went hurrying by, and he caught snatches of their talk. There had been a murder—a man was murdered in his bed—it was a woman—a man had murdered his wife—there were two murders—three—the tale went every way, but it was always Murder, Murder, Murder. Everybody was saying Murder: till in the passing footsteps, in the vague shouts in the distance, and presently in the mere black about him he heard the word still—Murder, Murder, Murder. He fell to contrasting the whispered fancy with the real screams in that bedroom. He wondered what Bill Rann thought of it all, and what had become of the james and the gimlets. He pictured the crowd in Old Jago Street, pushing into his room, talking about him, telling the news. He wondered if Hannah had been asleep when they came, and what she said when they told her. And more people hurried past the ruined house, all talking Murder, Murder, still Murder.

The foot was horribly painful. Was it swelling? Yes, he thought it was; he rubbed it again. What would Dicky do? If only Dicky knew where he was! That might help. There was a new burst of shouts in the distance. What was that? Perhaps they had caught Bill Rann; but that was unlikely. They knew nothing of Bill—they had seen but one man. Perhaps they were carrying away the Heap on a shutter: that would be no nice job, especially down the steep stairs. There had been very little in the wash-house, and nothing in the next room; the garrets were pretty full of odd things, but no doubt the money was in the bedroom. The smell of stale pickles was very strong.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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