

 医師は帰った。子供たちは両腕を母親にまわして立っていた。老人はまだ荒々しく、大きな息をしていたが、じきに再び穏やかに呼吸しはじめた。そして目は眠たそうに閉じられていた。この様子に彼女は顔をあげ、心に一縷の希望をいだいた。たしかに、呼吸は穏やかになり、自然な息づかいになっていた。緊張した皺は顔から消えていた。彼は眠っているにちがいない。なぜボブ・スモールピースに寝台まで運ぶように頼まなかったのだろう? なぜ医師も、そうするように指示しなかったのだろう? 彼女はそっと、傷口をおおっている濡れた布をひっくりかえした。



He put his hand kindly on her shoulder. “It would be wrong of me to encourage it,” he said. “As for what I can do, it is all over…But you must bear up,” he went on firmly, as, guided to a chair, she bent forward and covered her face. “Drink this—” He took a small bottle from his bag, poured something into a cup and added water. “Drink it—drink it up; all of it…I must go…You’ve your children to think of, remember. Come to your mother, my boy…”

He was gone, and the children stood with their arms about their mother. The old man’s breathing, which had grown heavier and louder still, presently eased again, and his eyes closed drowsily. At this the woman looked up with an impossible hope in her heart. Truly, the breath was soft and natural, and the drawn lines had gone from the face: he must be sleeping. Why had she not thought to ask Bob Smallpiece to carry him up to bed? And why had the doctor not ordered it? Softly she turned the wet cloth that lay over the wound.

The breath grew lighter and still lighter, and more peaceful the face, till one might almost trace a smile. Quieter and quieter, and still more peaceful: till all was peace indeed.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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