



“It’s an important thing, is a will,” said Uncle Isaac sagely. “A thing as ought to be seen to by a experienced person. You might jist look an’ see ‘ow it’s wrote. If any’s wrote in pencil it’s nullavoid.”

“No,” replied Mrs. May, without moving. “It’s all in ink.”

Then, after a long pause: “Lawyers comes very expensive with wills,” Uncle Isaac observed. “They come expensive alwis, an’ mostly they rob the property accordin’ to form o’ lawr. It’s best to get a man of experience, as you can trust, to go straight to Somerset ‘ouse in form o’ porpus…It’s the cheapest way, an’ safe. ‘E takes the will, jist as it might be me, an’ ‘e goes to the ‘thorities, an’ ‘e talks to ‘em, knowin’ an’ confidential. ‘Ere I am, ses ‘e, as it might be me, on be’alf o’ the last will an’ ‘oly testament as it might be o’ Mr. May. An’ I’ve come in form o’ porpus, ‘avin’ objections to lawyers. In form o’ porpus,” Uncle Isaac repeated impressively, tapping a forefinger on the table: as was his way of blazoning an erudite phrase that else might pass unregarded.

さりはま の紹介

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