

 どういう理由からだろうか。おそらくはよくある話のせいかもしれないし、あるいはまったく別の理由からかもしれないが、三、四人の男たちが、その月曜の朝、持ち場から「消えていた」。 そのうちの幾人かは、若い見習いと一緒に働いている男たちだった。そのせいで、コットマンはいつもの監督業務だけでなく、指導者をなくした見習いたちを特別見張っていた。そしてジョニーも、親方の注意から少し学ぶことがあった。



The foreman left him, and began to walk along the lines of machines; and the nearest apprentice grinned at Johnny, and winked. Johnny looked about, as the foreman had advised. This place, where he was to learn to make engines, and where he was to work day by day till he was twenty-one, and a man, was a vast room with skylights in the roof: though this latter circumstance he did not notice till after breakfast, when the gas was turned off, and daylight penetrated from above. A confusion of heavy raftering stretched below the roof, carrying belted shafting everywhere; and every man bent over his machine or his bench, for Cottam was a sharp gaffer. Johnny watched the leading hand scribing curves on metal along lines already set out by punctured dots. “Lining off,” said the leading hand, seeing the boy’s interest. And then, leaning over to speak, because of the workshop din: “Centre-dabs,” he added, pointing to the dots. That, at least, Johnny resolved not to forget: lining off and centre-dabs.

For some reason—perhaps the usual reason, perhaps another—three or four of the men were “losing a quarter” that Monday morning, and some of them were men with whom young apprentices had been working. Consequently, Cottam, in addition to his general supervision, had to keep particular watch on these mentorless lads, and Johnny learned a little from the gaffer’s remarks.

“Well, wotjer doin’ with that file?” he would ask of one. “You ain’t a-playin’ cat’s cradle now, me lad! Look ‘ere, keep ‘er level, like this! It’s a file, it ain’t a rockin’-‘orse!”

さりはま の紹介

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