



「なんだと? バトスンだと?」親方は絶叫しながら、目を見開いた。「バトスンが? また? いまいましいやつだ。ぞっとする」それからコッタムさんは怒りながら、作業場を重い足どりで歩いた。




It was early in Johnny’s experience—indeed he had been scarce a fortnight at the engine-shop—when a man coming in from an outdoor job just before dinner told Cottam the foreman, that an old friend was awaiting him at the gate, looking for a job.

“An’ ‘oo’s the of friend?” asked Cottam, severely distrustful.

“Mr. ‘Enery Butson, Esquire,” the man answered, with a grin.

“What? Butson?” the gaffer ejaculated, and his eyes grew rounder. “Butson? Agen? I’d—damme, I’d as soon ‘ave a brass monkey!” And Mr. Cottam stumped indignantly up the shop.

“Sing’lar, that,” observed a labourer who was helping an erector with a little yacht engine near Johnny’s bench. “Sing’lar like what I ‘eard the gaffer say at Lumley’s when Butson wanted a job there. ‘What?’ sez ‘e. ‘Butson? Why, I’d rayther ‘ave a chaney dawg auf my gran’mother’s mantelpiece,’ ‘e sez. ”E wouldn’t spile castin’s,’ ‘e sez.”

There were grins between the men who heard, for it would seem that Mr. Butson was not unknown among them. But when Johnny told his mother at dinner, she thought the men rude and ignorant; and she was especially surprised at Mr. Cottam.


さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: アーサー・モリスン, ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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