リチャード・ミドルトン 「ブライトン街道にて」1回

ブライトン街道にて リチャード・ミドルトン



熱を放つものが現れたかと思えば、寒さが運ばれてくるという繰り返しのせいで、その浮浪者は夢を妨げられたのかもしれなかった。しばらく彼は自分をおおっている雪と格闘したが、それは気がつけば寝床で不快そうに体をひねっていた男の仕草そのものであったからだ。「おやまあ! 寝床にいるつもりでいた」彼は思いながら、人の気配のない風景へ入っていった。「それなのに、ずっと外にいたとは」彼は両の足をのばすと、用心しながら立ち上がり、体から雪をはらった。そうしているあいだ、風のせいで彼は震えてしまい、自分がいた寝床が温かったことに気がついた。


On the Brighton Road

Richard Middleton


 Slowly the sun had climbed up the hard white downs, till it broke with little of the mysterious ritual of dawn upon a sparkling world of snow. There had been a hard frost during the night, and the birds, who hopped about here and there with scant tolerance of life, left no trace of their passage on the silver pavements. In places the sheltered caverns of the hedges broke the monotony of the whiteness that had fallen upon the coloured earth, and overhead the sky melted from orange to deep blue, from deep blue to a blue so pale that it suggested a thin paper screen rather than illimitable space. Across the level fields there came a cold, silent wind which blew a fine dust of snow from the trees, but hardly stirred the crested hedges. Once above the skyline, the sun seemed to climb more quickly, and as it rose higher it began to give out a heat that blended with the keenness of the wind.

 It may have been this strange alternation of heat and cold that disturbed the tramp in his dreams, for he struggled tor a moment with the snow that covered him, like a man who finds himself twisted uncomfortably in the bed-clothes, and then sat up with staring, questioning eyes. “Lord! I thought I was in bed,” he said to himself as he took in the vacant landscape, “and all the while I was out here.” He stretched his limbs, and, rising carefully to his feet, shook the snow off his body. As he did so the wind set him shivering, and he knew that his bed had been warm.

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