

誰も店にはいなかったので、ジョニーは静かに奥にすすんだが、驚いたことに、母親とベッシーが店につづいている居間で、ひどく泣きじゃくっていた。ナンは椅子に腰かけ、ベッシーが母親におおいかぶさっていた。もう隠しようがなかった。ジョニーは、激しい驚愕にうたれた。「おかあさん! どうしたの?」彼はいった。「あいつは、何をしていったんだ?」








「足はどうしたの? 引きずっているじゃないか、母さん」





So it was when Johnny turned toward home on an evening a little before nine o’clock, sick of blind searching, and ready to tell his mother the story of Nora Sansom, first to last. At Harbour Lane corner he saw Butson walking off, and wondered to see him about Blackwall so early in the evening.

Nobody was in the shop, and Johnny went through so quietly that he surprised his mother and Bessy, in the shop-parlour, crying bitterly. Nan sat on a chair and Bessy bent over her, and no concealment was possible. Johnny was seized by a dire surmise. “Mother! What’s this?” he said. “What’s he been doing?”

Nan bent lower, but answered nothing. Johnny looked toward Bessy, almost sternly. “He—he’s beaten mother again,” Bessy blurted, between sobs.

“Beaten mother! Again!” Johnny’s face was white, and his nostrils stood wide and round. “Beaten mother! Again!”

“He’s always doing it now,” Bessy sobbed. “And wanting more money. I’d a good mind to tell you before, but—but—”

“Beaten mother!” The room swam before Johnny’s eyes. “Why—” rose to close the door. “No, Johnny,” she said meekly. “Pm a bit upset, but don’t let it upset you. Don’t you—”

“What’s the matter with your leg? You’re limping!”

“He kicked her! I saw him kick at her ankle!” Bessy burst out, pouring forth the tale unrestrained. “I tried to stop him and—and—”

“And then he hit you?” asked Johnny, not so white in the cheeks now, but whiter than ever about the mouth.

“Yes; but it was mother most!” and Bessy wept afresh.

さりはま の紹介

更新情報はツィッター sarihama_xx で。
カテゴリー: アーサー・モリスン, ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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