




彼は学校まで大股で歩き、本能にしたがって、何も見ないまま進んでいくうちに文字の描かれたランプの下にでた。彼は更衣室へいくと、自分のフランネルの運動着に着替えた。体育館には指導者がいて-精鋭部隊からきた筋骨たくましい軍曹だった-鉄棒の練習をしている少年たちを見ていた。ジョニーは彼に近づくと、ためらいながら練習試合の申し出をした。「練習試合をやりたいのかい?」「どうしたんだ? ずうずうしいな。俺にむち打ちをしたいのか」



Perhaps his evenings of disappointment had chastened Johnny’s impatience. He knew that the man was out of reach now, and he forced his fury down. In ten minutes he knew the whole thing, between Bessy’s outpourings and Nan’s tearful admissions.

“When is he coming back?”

They did not know—probably he would be late, as usual. “But don’t go doing anything hasty, Johnny,” Nan implored; “I’m so afraid of you doing something rash! It’s not much, really—I’m a bit upset, but—”

“I’ll have to think about this,” Johnny said, with such calmness that Nan felt somewhat reassured, though Bessy was inwardly afraid. “I’m going out for an hour.”

He strode away to the Institute, walking by instinct, and seeing nothing till he was under the lettered lamp. He went to the dressing-room and hurried into his flannels. In the gymnasium the instructor, a brawny sergeant of grenadiers, was watching some lads on the horizontal bar. Johnny approached him with a hesitating request for a “free spar.”

“Free spar, my lad?” said the sergeant. “What’s up? Gettin’ cheeky? Want to give me a hidin’?”

“No, sergeant,” Johnny answered. “Not such a fool as that. But I never had a free spar with a man much heavier than myself, and—and I just want to try, that’s all!”

さりはま の紹介

更新情報はツィッター sarihama_xx で。
カテゴリー: アーサー・モリスン, ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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