



「たつんだ」ジョニーは叫んだ。「たて。どうした、たてないか? わかっている。自分で倒れたんだな。ほうっておいてもらうために。だが、おれもしゃがんでやる」こう言うと、彼はバトスンの横にしゃがみ、もう一度殴りつけた。そして再び拳で殴りつけた。


「お前をほうっておくだと?」ジョニーは言うと、立ち上がりながら、上着に手をのばした。「だめだ。かあさんが頼んでも、お前はほうっておかなかった。そうじゃないか? お前がおれの前を通るたびに、お前のことを殴ってやる。それでもよければ家に戻れ」


It was mere slaughter; Johnny was too hard, too scientific, too full of cool hatred. The wretched Butson, bigger and heavier as he might be, was flaccid from soft living, and science he had none. But he fought like a rat in a corner—reeking nothing of rule, but kicking, biting, striking, wrestling madly; though to small purpose: for his enemy, deadly calm and deadly quick, saw every movement ere it was made, and battered with savage precision.

“Whenever you’ve had enough,” said Johnny, as Butson staggered, and leaned against the wall, “you can stop it, you know, by calling the p’lice. You like the p’lice. There’s always one of ‘em in the next street, an’ you’ve only to shout. I shall hammer you till ye do!”

And he hammered. A blow on the ear drove Butson’s head against the wall, and a swing from the other fist brought it away again. He flung himself on the ground.

“Get up!” cried Johnny. “Get up. What, you won’t? All right, you went down by yourself, you know—so’s to be let alone. But I’m coming down too!” and with that he lay beside Butson and struck once more and struck again.

“Chuck it!” groaned Butson. “I’m done! Oh! leave me alone!”

“Leave you alone?” answered Johnny, rising and reaching for his jacket. “Not I. You didn’t leave my mother alone as soon as she asked you, did you? I’ll never pass you again without clouting your head. Come home!”

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: アーサー・モリスン, ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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