
彼がむけた眼の大きいこと、青いこと。彼はひき込むような眼差しで、彼女の顔を見つめた。「僕の名前はムーンなんだろうか?」彼は訊ねた。「君の名前はハントなんだろうか? 誓ってもいいけど、そうした名前は風変りで、馴染みのないものに思えるよ。アメリカ・インディアンの名前のようなものだ。まるで君の名前が「泳ぐ」で、僕の名前が「日が昇る」みたいなもんだ。でも、いいかい。僕たちの本当の名前は「夫」と「妻」なんだよ。これまでも眠っているときは、そうだったんだよ」





He kept two big blue magnetic eyes fixed on her face. “Is my name Moon?” he asked. “Is your name Hunt? On my honour, they sound to me as quaint and as distant as Red Indian names. It’s as if your name was `Swim’ and my name was `Sunrise.’ But our real names are Husband and Wife, as they were when we fell asleep.”

“It is no good,” said Rosamund, with real tears in her eyes; “one can never go back.”

“I can go where I damn please,” said Michael, “and I can carry you on my shoulder.”

“But really, Michael, really, you must stop and think!” cried the girl earnestly. “You could carry me off my feet, I dare say, soul and body, but it may be bitter bad business for all that. These things done in that romantic rush, like Mr. Smith’s, they— they do attract women, I don’t deny it. As you say, we’re all telling the truth to-night. They’ve attracted poor Mary, for one. They attract me, Michael. But the cold fact remains: imprudent marriages do lead to long unhappiness and disappointment— you’ve got used to your drinks and things—I shan’t be pretty much longer—”

さりはま の紹介

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