
「そんな、わかっていないのよ、メアリー」ロザムンドは絶望にかられ、金切り声をあげた。「あなたはわかってないわ。私たちの目の前で、怖ろしいことが起きているということが。あなたにも聞こえたでしょう? 二階から、レボルバーの銃声が」





“But don’t you understand, Mary,” cried Rosamund in despair; “don’t you know that awful things have happened even before our very eyes. I should have thought you would have heard the revolver shots upstairs.”

“Yes, I heard the shots,” said Mary almost brightly; “but I was busy packing just then. And Innocent had told me he was going to shoot at Dr. Warner; so it wasn’t worth while to come down.”

“Oh, I don’t understand what you mean,” cried Rosamund Hunt, stamping, “but you must and shall understand what I mean. I don’t care how cruelly I put it, if only I can save you. I mean that your Innocent Smith is the most awfully wicked man in the world. He has sent bullets at lots of other men and gone off in cabs with lots of other women. And he seems to have killed the women too, for nobody can find them.”

“He is really rather naughty sometimes,” said Mary Gray, laughing softly as she buttoned her old gray gloves.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: チェスタトンの部屋, マンアライヴ パーマリンク


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