

「二人の医師の言葉によれば、と言うのか?」ムーンは言葉をたたきつけ、もはや誰の言葉も聞いていなかった。「二人の医者の言葉にしたがって、精神病院の独房へ閉じこめておけとでも? そんな医者も閉じこめてしまえ! 僕の帽子でも閉じこめておけばいい。そういう医者をよく見るがいい。そんな医者二十人に勧められても、本を読んだり、犬を買ったり、ホテルへ行ったりするものか。僕の家はアイルランドからきたカソリックだ。もし二人の司教の言葉にしたがって、相手のことを邪まだとか言えば、君はどう思うのか?」







“But, my dear Moon,” began Inglewood in his modest manner, “these gentlemen—”

“On the word of two doctors,” exploded Moon again, without listening to anybody else, “shut up in a private hell on the word of two doctors! And such doctors! Oh, my hat! Look at ‘em!—do just look at ‘em! Would you read a book, or buy a dog, or go to a hotel on the advice of twenty such? My people came from Ireland, and were Catholics. What would you say if I called a man wicked on the word of two priests?”

“But it isn’t only their word, Michael,” reasoned Rosamund; “they’ve got evidence too.”

“Have you looked at it?” asked Moon.

“No,” said Rosamund, with a sort of faint surprise; “these gentlemen are in charge of it.”

“And of everything else, it seems to me,” said Michael. “Why, you haven’t even had the decency to consult Mrs. Duke.”

“Oh, that’s no use,” said Diana in an undertone to Rosamund; “Auntie can’t say `Bo!’ to a goose.”

さりはま の紹介

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