

「やあ! 葬式みたいな顔をしているじゃないか、諸君」そこにやってきたグールドは、滑稽なところのある仲裁者という雰囲気で訊ねた。「医者の先生が何か言っているのか? この下宿屋では、いつものことじゃないか。いつものことだけど、たくさん要求してくる癖に、なにも与えはしないんだ」




“Really,” replied Dr. Warner, “I really fail to see how Mr. Gould affects the question; and I once more demand—”

“Hello! what’s the funeral, gents?” inquired the newcomer with the air of an uproarious umpire. “Doctor demandin’ something? Always the way at a boarding-house, you know. Always lots of demand. No supply.”

As delicately and impartially as he could, Michael restated his position, and indicated generally that Smith had been guilty of certain dangerous and dubious acts, and that there had even arisen an allegation that he was insane.

“Well, of course he is,” said Moses Gould equably; “it don’t need old ‘Olmes to see that. The ‘awk-like face of ‘Olmes,” he added with abstract relish, “showed a shide of disappointment, the sleuth-like Gould ‘avin’ got there before ‘im.”

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: チェスタトンの部屋, マンアライヴ パーマリンク


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