
「中に入ろう! さあ、中に」ムーンは大はしゃぎで叫び、まるで猫の一団を追いはらうかのようであった。「さあ、中に。急いで。言ったじゃないか? イングルウッドと話をしたいと?」




“Get inside! get inside!” cried Moon hilariously, with the air of one shooing a company of cats. “Come, come, be quick about it! Didn’t I tell you I wanted to talk to Inglewood?”

How they were all really driven into the house again it would have been difficult afterwards to say. They had reached the point of being exhausted with incongruities, as people at a farce are ill with laughing, and the brisk growth of the storm among the trees seemed like a final gesture of things in general. Inglewood lingered behind them, saying with a certain amicable exasperation, “I say, do you really want to speak to me?”

“I do,” said Michael, “very much.”

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: チェスタトンの部屋, マンアライヴ パーマリンク


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