

「ブリックスピア・カレッジで門番をしている者です。学長が、お若い方に銃で狙われたところを下におろしてさしあげる手伝いをしたことがございます。ボールター氏が手紙で書かれているとおりのことでございます。学長を撃とうとした若者とはスミスさんでした。ボールター氏が送りました写真の中の人物と同一人物です。敬具 サミュエル・バーカー」




“The other letter,” continued Gould in a glow of triumph, “is from the porter, and won’t take long to read.

“Dear Sir,—It is quite true that I am the porter of Brikespeare College, and that I ‘elped the Warden down when the young man was shooting at him, as Mr. Boulter has said in his letter. The young man who was shooting at him was Mr. Smith, the same that is in the photograph Mr. Boulter sends.— Yours respectfully, Samuel Barker.”

Gould handed the two letters across to Moon, who examined them. But for the vocal divergences in the matter of h’s and a’s, the Sub-Warden’s letter was exactly as Gould had rendered it; and both that and the porter’s letter were plainly genuine. Moon handed them to Inglewood, who handed them back in silence to Moses Gould.

“So far as this first charge of continual attempted murder is concerned,” said Dr. Pym, standing up for the last time, “that is my case.”


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