

「拝啓 これから申し上げますのはブレークスピア・カレッジで本当に起きた出来事についてであり、その出来事についての正確、かつ生彩あふれる説明になります。私達は署名をしましたが、別々の手紙で言及するほどの理由をとくに感じておりません。真実を申し上げるなら、これは各種の要素から成り立つ作品なのです。ですから形容詞の使い方にしても、意見の相違はいささかあります。ですが、すべての言葉は真実なのです。

ケンブリッジ ブレークスピア・カレッジ学長 




The second, as my colleague has urged, is the curious fact that we cannot find a single victim of these alleged outrages to speak for himself. Subordinates speak for him. Porters climb up ladders to him. But he himself is silent. Ladies and gentlemen, I propose to explain on the spot both the riddle of the shots and the riddle of the silence. I will first of all read the covering letter in which the true account of the Cambridge incident is contained, and then that document itself. When you have heard both, there will be no doubt about your decision. The covering letter runs as follows:—

“Dear Sir,—The following is a very exact and even vivid account of the incident as it really happened at Brakespeare College. We, the undersigned, do not see any particular reason why we should refer it to any isolated authorship. The truth is, it has been a composite production; and we have even had some difference of opinion about the adjectives. But every word of it is true.—We are, yours faithfully,

                                     “Wilfred Emerson Eames,
                  “Warden of Brakespeare College, Cambridge.

“Innocent Smith.


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