







“It was at this moment that Smith, looking down, perceived apoplectic terror upon the face of the Sub-Warden, and heard the refined shriek with which he summoned the porter and the ladder.

“It took Dr. Eames some little time to disentangle himself from the ladder, and some little time longer to disentangle himself from the Sub-Warden. But as soon as he could do so unobtrusively, he rejoined his companion in the late extraordinary scene. He was astonished to find the gigantic Smith heavily shaken, and sitting with his shaggy head on his hands. When addressed, he lifted a very pale face.

“`Why, what is the matter?’ asked Eames, whose own nerves had by this time twittered themselves quiet, like the morning birds.

“`I must ask your indulgence,’ said Smith, rather brokenly.
`I must ask you to realize that I have just had an escape from death.’

“`YOU have had an escape from death?’ repeated the Professor in not unpardonable irritation. `Well, of all the cheek—’


さりはま の紹介

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