






“`Yes,’ said Eames very slowly, `I think you are right.
You shall have a First!’

“`Right!’ cried Smith, springing up reanimated. `I’ve passed with honours, and now let me go and see about being sent down.’

“`You needn’t be sent down,’ said Eames with the quiet confidence of twelve years of intrigue. `Everything with us comes from the man on top to the people just round him: I am the man on top, and I shall tell the people round me the truth.’

“The massive Mr. Smith rose and went firmly to the window, but he spoke with equal firmness. `I must be sent down,’ he said, `and the people must not be told the truth.’

“`And why not’ asked the other.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: 2017年, 読書日記 パーマリンク


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