



「いつだって楽しいよ。やつがハエをつかまえたのに、スズメバチをのみこむのを見るのは」彼は楽しそうに言った。「とにかく君はスミスを閉じ込めたんだ。もし、このひとの話がそのとおりならだけど。なぜかって? スミスは気性が激しいんだ。とても激しいやつなんだ。彼が馬車にのってミス・グレイと駆け落ちするところを見たじゃないか。それにしても、このスミス夫人のことを副牧師は何て言うのだろう?とても内気な性格がきつい性格に変わった女性なのだから。 ミス・グレイはあまりきつくなかったから、とても内気なひとになるって思っているのに」


Moses Gould was as good a fellow in his way as ever lived; far kinder to his family than more refined men of pleasure, simple and steadfast in his admiration, a thoroughly wholesome animal and a thoroughly genuine character. But wherever there is conflict, crises come in which any soul, personal or racial, unconsciously turns on the world the most hateful of its hundred faces. English reverence, Irish mysticism, American idealism, looked up and saw on the face of Moses a certain smile. It was that smile of the Cynic Triumphant, which has been the tocsin for many a cruel riot in Russian villages or mediaeval towns.

“Oh, ‘oly, ‘oly, ‘oly!” said Moses Gould.

Finding that this was not well received, he explained further, exuberance deepening on his dark exuberant features.

“Always fun to see a bloke swallow a wasp when ‘e’s corfin’ up a fly,” he said pleasantly. “Don’t you see you’ve bunged up old Smith anyhow. If this parson’s tale’s O.K.—why, Smith is ‘ot. ‘E’s pretty ‘ot. We find him elopin’ with Miss Gray (best respects!) in a cab. Well, what abart this Mrs. Smith the curate talks of, with her blarsted shyness—transmigogrified into a blighted sharpness? Miss Gray ain’t been very sharp, but I reckon she’ll be pretty shy.”

さりはま の紹介

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