




Before the company had decided the delicate point Inglewood was already reading the account in question. It was in French. It seemed to them to run something like this:—

“Sir,—Yes; I am Durobin of Durobin’s Cafe on the sea-front at Gras, rather north of Dunquerque. I am willing to write all I know of the stranger out of the sea.

“I have no sympathy with eccentrics or poets. A man of sense looks for beauty in things deliberately intended to be beautiful, such as a trim flower-bed or an ivory statuette. One does not permit beauty to pervade one’s whole life, just as one does not pave all the roads with ivory or cover all the fields with geraniums. My faith, but we should miss the onions!

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: チェスタトンの部屋, マンアライヴ パーマリンク


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