



“Before he had traversed the full length of the train he was entangled in one of those knots of rowdies that were the embers of the extinct revolution, though they mostly disgraced themselves upon the government side. I was just moving to his assistance, when he whirled up his rake and laid out right and left with such energy that he came through them without scathe and strode right up to me, leaving them staggered and really astonished.

“Yet when he reached me, after so abrupt an assertion of his aim, he could only say rather dubiously in French that he wanted a house.

“`There are not many houses to be had round here,’ I answered
in the same language, `the district has been very disturbed.
A revolution, as you know, has recently been suppressed.
Any further building—’


さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: チェスタトンの部屋, マンアライヴ パーマリンク


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