



それ以降、彼の姿を見たことはありません。彼の視点は、最高の、先進的な考え方とは逆のものでしたが、興味深い人物のように思います。彼が何か文学作品を書いていないか探してみたいと思う次第です。敬具 パウル・ニコラビッチ

“`Ah,’ he said with a sort of a sigh, `then you have explained a second thing to me.’

“`What do you mean?’ I asked; `what thing?’

“`Why your revolution has failed,’ he said; and walking across quite suddenly to the train he got into it just as it was steaming away at last. And as I saw the long snaky tail of it disappear along the darkening flats.

“I saw no more of him. But though his views were adverse to the best advanced thought, he struck me as an interesting person: I should like to find out if he has produced any literary works.—Yours, etc., “Paul Nickolaiovitch.”

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: チェスタトンの部屋, マンアライヴ パーマリンク


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