






“He came yet closer to me, so that he seemed enormous; yet his look was very gentle.

“`Break your temple,’ he said, `and your gods will be freed.’

“And I, smiling at his simplicity, answered: `And so, if there be no gods,
I shall have nothing but a broken temple.’

“And at this, that giant from whom the light of reason was
withheld threw out his mighty arms and asked me to forgive him.
And when I asked him for what he should be forgiven he answered:
`For being right.’

“`Your idols and emperors are so old and wise and satisfying,’ he cried, `it is a shame that they should be wrong. We are so vulgar and violent, we have done you so many iniquities— it is a shame we should be right after all.’


さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: チェスタトンの部屋, マンアライヴ パーマリンク


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