アメリア・B・エドワーズ「あれは幻影だったのか、それとも……? ある司祭の報告」No.5

彼はどうなったんだ? それから、あの若者は何者だろう。わたしが通ってきたばかりの道をやってくるじゃないか? 若者は長身で、駆けたかと思えば歩いて、釣り竿を一本肩にかついでいる。 誓ってもいいが、あの若者に出くわしたこともなければ、追いこした覚えもなかった。では、若者はどこから来たのか? それに、 話しかけてから三秒もたっていないのに、あの男はどこにいったのか? しかも片足をひきずりながら歩いているのだから、二ヤードも進めないはずではないか? 茫然とするあまり、わたしは立ちつくしたまま、釣り竿をかついだ若者が庭園の塀の影に消えるまで、その姿を見おくった。




What had become of him? And what lad was that going up the path by which I had just come-that tall lad, half-running, half-walking, with a fishing-rod over his shoulder? I could have taken my oath that I had neither met nor passed him. Where then had he come from? And where was the man to whom I had spoken not three seconds ago, and who, at his limping pace, could not have made more than a couple of yards in the time? My stupefaction was such that I stood quite still, looking after the lad with the fishing-rod till he disappeared in the gloom under the park-palings.

Was I dreaming?

Darkness, meanwhile, had closed in apace, and, dreaming or not dreaming, I must push on, or find myself benighted. So I hurried forward, turning my back on the last gleam of daylight, and plunging deeper into the fog at every step. I was, however, close upon my journey’s end. The path ended at a turnstile; the turnstile opened upon a steep lane; and at the bottom of the lane, down which I stumbled among stones and ruts, I came in sight of the welcome glare of a blacksmith’s forge.

Here, then, was Pit End. I found my trap standing at the door of the village inn; the rawboned grey stabled for the night; the landlord watching for my arrival.

さりはま の紹介

更新情報はツィッター sarihama_xx で。
カテゴリー: 怪談, 英国怪談 パーマリンク


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