アメリア・B・エドワーズ「あれは幻影だったのか、それとも……? ある司祭の報告」No.6




ブラックウォーター・チェイス! その名は初耳ではなかった。だが、どこで聞いたのか思い出せなかった。宿屋の主は話し続けた。長いあいだ留守にはするけれど、ウォルステンホルム氏は人好きのする紳士であり、申し分のない地主だ。ブラックウォーター・チェイスは淋しい、地の果てにあるような土地だから、若い方にすれば田舎に埋もれるようなものだ。そのとき、わたしはベイオル学寮にいたフィル・ウォルステンホルムを即座に思い出した。昔、彼がブラックウォーター・チェイスでの狩猟に招いてくれたことがあった。十二年前、ウォダムカレッジで研究にはげんでいた頃のことだ。ウォルステンホルムは或る学生集団の中心人物でーわたしはその集団には属していなかったがー、ボートを漕いだり、賭け事にいそしんだり、詩を書いたり、ベイオル学寮でワインパーティをひらいたりしていた。

The ‘Greyhound’ was a hostelry of modest pretensions, and I shared its little parlour with a couple of small farmers and a young man who informed me that he ‘travelled in’ Thorley’s Food for Cattle. Here I dined, wrote my letters, chatted awhile with the landlord, and picked up such scraps of local news as fell in my way.

There was, it seemed, no resident parson at Pit End; the incumbent being a pluralist with three small livings, the duties of which, by the help of a rotatory curate, he discharged in a somewhat easy fashion. Pit End, as the smallest and furthest off, came in for but one service each Sunday, and was almost wholly relegated to the curate. The squire was a more confirmed absentee than even the vicar. He lived chiefly in Paris, spending abroad the wealth of his Pit End coal-fields.

He happened to be at home just now, the landlord said, after five years’ absence; but he would be off again next week, and another five years might probably elapse before they should again see him at Blackwater Chase.

Blackwater Chase!-the name was not new to me; yet I could not remember where I had heard it. When, however, mine host went on to say that, despite his absenteeism, Mr Wolstenholme was ‘a pleasant gentleman and a good landlord’, and that, after all, Blackwater Chase was ‘a lonesome sort of world-end place for a young man to bury himself in’, then I at once remembered Phil Wolstenholme of Balliol, who, in his grand way, had once upon a time given me a general invitation to the shooting at Blackwater Chase. That was twelve years ago, when I was reading hard at Wadham, and Wolstenholme-the idol of a clique to which I did not belong-was boating, betting, writing poetry, and giving wine parties at Balliol.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: 怪談, 英国怪談 パーマリンク


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