再訳 サキ『耐えがたきバシントン』№44







“You wicked boy, what have you done?” she cried, reproachfully.

“Me washee,” came a cheerful shout; “me washee from the neck all the way down to the merrythought, and now washee down from the merrythought to—”

“You have ruined your future.  The Times has printed that miserable letter with your signature.”

A loud squeal of joy came from the bath.  “Oh, Mummy! Let me see!”

There were sounds as of a sprawling dripping body clambering hastily out of the bath.  Francesca fled. One cannot effectively scold a moist nineteen-year old boy clad only in a bath-towel and a cloud of steam.

Another messenger arrived before Francesca’s breakfast was over.  This one brought a letter from Sir Julian Jull, excusing himself from fulfilment of the luncheon engagement.

さりはま の紹介

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