再訳 サキ『耐えがたきバシントン』№58

「昨日、トルダム家を訪ねた」彼はいった。「どうやら夫妻の銀婚式があったらしいけど知っているのでは? 昨日ではなくて、それより前のことらしい。銀の贈り物がたくさんあって、いい目の保養になった。もちろん複製品もたくさんあった。それでも持っているということはいいものだ。あんなにたくさん手にしたら、あの夫妻も嬉しかろう」




“I called on the Trudhams yesterday,” he announced; “it was their Silver Wedding, you know, at least the day before was.  Such lots of silver presents, quite a show. Of course there were a great many duplicates, but still, very nice to have. I think they were very pleased to get so many.”

“We must not grudge them their show of presents after their twenty-five years of married life,” said Lady Caroline, gently; “it is the silver lining to their cloud.”

A third of the guests present were related to the Trudhams.

“Lady Caroline is beginning well,” murmured Courtenay Youghal.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: サキ, 再検討「耐えがたきバシントン」 パーマリンク


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