再訳 サキ『耐えがたきバシントン』№83





Molly McQuade turned sharply to look at her companion, who still fixed his gaze on the pheasant run in front of him.

“Don’t tell me you’re losing your head over somebody useless, someone without money,” she said; “I don’t think I could stand that.”

For the moment she feared that Courtenay’s selfishness might have taken an unexpected turn, in which ambition had given way to the fancy of the hour; he might be going to sacrifice his Parliamentary career for a life of stupid lounging in momentarily attractive company.  He quickly undeceived her.

“She’s got heaps of money.”

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: サキ, 再検討「耐えがたきバシントン」 パーマリンク


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