アーサー・モリスン「ジェイゴウの子ども」32章 143回


ジョシュはにやりとして歯をみせたが、笑みをうかべることなく、自分を見上げている相手の顔を鋭く見つめた。ビル・ランは前かがみになって、両手をポケットにつっこんだまま、両腕を翼のように上下に動かすと、声をあげて笑い、足を前後にばたばたさせ、絞首台の蝶番が動きはじめたときの動作を念入りに演じた。「どうだ? どうだ?」彼はいった。「どうかい、相棒?」




ビル・ランの動きがとまった。驚いたのだ。「なんだと、彼がやったのか?」彼は声をあげた。「老いぼれウィーチがおまえを密告したのか? どうしてわかったんだ?」


Bill Rann’s grin burst wide again. He bent low, with outstretched chin, and stuck his elbows out as he answered: ‘Wy, ole Weech!’

Josh bared his teeth—but with no smile—looking sharply in the other’s upturned face. Bill Rann, bent nearly double, and with hands in pockets, flapped his arms in the manner of wings, chuckled aloud, and, jerking his feet back and forth, went elaborately through the first movement of the gallows-flap. ‘Eh? eh?’ said he. ”Ow’s that strike ye, ole cock?’

Josh answered not, but his parted lips stretched wide, and his tongue-tip passed quickly over them while he thought.

‘It’ll be a fair cop for ‘im,’ Bill pursued, eagerly. ”E’s treated us all pretty mean, one time or other. Wy, I bet ‘e owes us fifty quid atween us, wot with all the times ‘e’s squeeged us for a bit. It’ll on’y be goin’ to bring away our own stuff!’

‘G-r-r-r!’ Josh growled, glaring fiercely; ‘it was ‘im as put me away for my laggin’! Bleed’n’ swine!’

Bill Rann stopped, surprised. ‘Wot—’im?’ he exclaimed. ‘Ole Weech narked ye? ‘Owjer know that?’

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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