アーサー・モリスン「ジェイゴウの子ども」34章 160回

証言は、不快なものであった。いったい何の役に立つというのだろう? 何度も、何度も繰り返された。審理のときも、警察裁判所でも、そして今ここでも繰り返された。何度も同じことが繰り返され、相手はそれを苦労して書きとめ、そしまた何度も繰り返された。だが今回の状況は、以前よりも悪かった。裁判官が、すべてを書きとめるように申し渡したので、時間をかけて一語ずつ、一度に一語を書きとめていくことになったからだ。証人は、バレルオルガン弾きのように、同じ調べを機械的に、調べを変えることなく演奏していくのだった。証言した警察官のなかには、その月の四日、深夜十二時半に、ミーキン・ストリートにいた者もいた。殺しだという悲鳴を聞いて、軽食堂のほうへやってきたのだ。別の警察官も証言したが、その警察官は店にやってきたとき、一階の窓から、見覚えのある犯人の姿をみていた。地下貯蔵庫にいた彼を発見した巡査部長も証言台にたち、検死をおこなった医師も証言台にたった。それからナイフも、長靴も、すべてのものが証拠として出てきた。これは殺人だ、殺人だ、どう見ても殺人だ。こんなことをする必要があるのか。これで十分はっきりしているじゃないか。彼は、きたるべき運命に関心を幾らかいだいた。判決文にも、黒い帽子にも、その他のことにも。殺人の裁判なんて見たことがなかったからだ。だが、こうした繰り返しが、漠然と心にのしかかり、考えなくてはいけない無数のことがふつふつとわいてきて、ひとつのことを考えれば、別のことが浮かんでくるのであった。


The evidence was a nuisance. What was the good of it all? Over and over and over again. At the inquest, at the police court, and now here. Repeated, laboriously taken down, and repeated again. And now it was worse than ever, for the judge insisted on making a note of everything, and wrote it down slowly, a word at a time. The witnesses were like barrel-organs, producing the same old tune mechanically, without changing a note. There was the policeman who was in Meakin Street at twelve-thirty on the morning of the fourth of the month, when he heard cries of Murder, and proceeded to the coffee-shop. There was the other policeman who also ‘proceeded’ there, and recognised the prisoner, whom he knew, at the first-floor window. And there was the sergeant who had found him in the cellar, and the doctor who had made an examination, and the knife, and the boots, and all of it. It was Murder, Murder, Murder still. Why? Wasn’t it plain enough? He felt some interest in what was coming—in the sentence, and the black cap, and so on—never having seen a murder trial before. But all this repetition oppressed him vaguely amid the innumerable things he had to think of, one thing leading to another.

Hannah and Dicky were there, sitting together behind the glass partition that rose at the side of the dock. Hannah’s face was down in her hands, and Dicky’s face was thin and white, and he sat with his neck stretched, his lips apart, his head aside to catch the smallest word. His eyes, too, were red with strained, unwinking attention. Josh felt vaguely that they might keep a bolder face, as he did himself. His sprained foot was still far from well, but he stood up, putting his weight on the other. He might have been allowed to sit if he had asked, but that would look like weakness.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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