







“Framed in the open doorway stood, with an air of great serenity, a rather tall young woman, definitely though indefinably artistic— her dress the colour of spring and her hair of autumn leaves, with a face which, though still comparatively young, conveyed experience as well as intelligence. All she said was, `I didn’t hear you come in.’

“`I came in another way,’ said the Permeator, somewhat vaguely.
`I’d left my latchkey at home.’

“I got to my feet in a mixture of politeness and mania.
`I’m really very sorry,’ I cried. `I know my position is irregular.
Would you be so obliging as to tell me whose house this is?’

“`Mine,’ said the burglar, `May I present you to my wife?’


さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: チェスタトンの部屋, マンアライヴ パーマリンク


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