
「愚かしいですって?」メアリーは威勢よく叫んだ。「たしかに私の日曜日の帽子なら、そうね。あれなら愚かしいと思うわ。でも、ほかに何を期待しているの? 彼はほんとうにいい人よ。蛇か何かのような騒ぎだったのかもしれないわ」





“Silly?” cried Mary with great heartiness. “Oh, my Sunday hat!
I should think it was silly! But what do you expect?
He really is a good man, and it might have been snakes or something.”

“Snakes?” inquired Rosamund, with a slightly puzzled interest.

“Uncle Harry kept snakes, and said they loved him,” replied Mary with perfect simplicity. “Auntie let him have them in his pockets, but not in the bedroom.”

“And you—” began Diana, knitting her dark brows a little.

“Oh, I do as auntie did,” said Mary; “as long as we’re not away from the children more than a fortnight together I play the game. He calls me `Manalive;’ and you must write it all one word, or he’s quite flustered.”

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: チェスタトンの部屋, マンアライヴ パーマリンク


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