アメリア・B・エドワーズ「あれは幻影だったのか、それとも……? ある司祭の報告」No.4


「道を訊きたいんですが」わたしはいった。「ピット・エンドはこの方向で大丈夫ですか? あとどのくらい歩かないといけませんか?」


「すみません」わたしは声をはりあげた。「この道を行けば、ピット・エンドにつきますか? もし、そうなら-」





Up to this moment I had not met a living soul of whom to ask my way; it was, therefore, with no little sense of relief that I saw a man emerging from the fog and coming along the path. As we neared each other-I advancing rapidly; he slowly-I observed that he dragged the left foot, limping as he walked. It was, however, so dark and so misty, thatt not till we were within half a dozen yards of each other could I see hat he wore a dark suit and an Anglican felt hat, and looked something like a dissenting minister. As soon as we were within speaking distance, I addressed him.

‘Can you tell me’, I said, ‘if I am right for Pit End, and how far I have to go?’

He came on, looking straight before him; taking no notice of my question; apparently not hearing it.

‘I beg your pardon,’ I said, raising my voice; ‘but will this path take me to Pit End, and if so’—He had passed on without pausing; without looking at me; I could almost have believed, without seeing me!

I stopped, with the words on my lips; then turned to look after-perhaps, to follow-him.

But instead of following, I stood bewildered.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: 怪談, 英国怪談 パーマリンク


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