サキの長編小説 「耐えがたきバシントン」17章194回


The “oubliette!”  She remembered the bitter petulant name he had flung at his destined exile.  There at least he had been harder on himself than the Fates were pleased to will; never, as long as Francesca lived and had a brain that served her, would she be able to forget.  That narcotic would never be given to her.  Unrelenting, unsparing memory would be with her always to remind her of those last days of tragedy.  Already her mind was dwelling on the details of that ghastly farewell dinner-party and recalling one by one the incidents of ill-omen that had marked it; how they had sat down seven to table and how one liqueur glass in the set of seven had been shivered into fragments; how her glass had slipped from her hand as she raised it to her lips to wish Comus a safe return; and the strange, quiet hopelessness of Lady Veula’s “good-bye”; she remembered now how it had chilled and frightened her at the moment.

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