アーサー・モリスン「ジェイゴウの子ども」34章 159回


獅子と一角獣の紋章は、以前、彼がそこにいたときとくらべ、金箔が鮮やかにほどこされていたが、被告人席にいる白髪の老看守はまったく同じだった。それから大きな剣もあった。なんのために大きな剣があるのだろうか。上のほうに、真紅の背もたれの上のほうにかかっていた。六フィートの長さがある剣の用途は、何なのだろうか。だが、本当のところ、おそらく六フィートはあるまい。実際よりも、その剣は長くみえた。あきらかに、その剣は飾りのためだけにあるもので、たぶん刃のない模倣の剣だった。いい身なりをした黒人がひとり、弁護士たちのあいだに入って、下の方の席に座っていた。何の用なのだろうか? なぜ、この男を中にいれたのだろうか? なんとも素敵なことだ。見世物になるなんて。よりによって黒ん坊のまえで。ジョシュ・ペローは、首まきを緩めたが、その人差し指は怒りに震えていた。次の瞬間には、他のことを考えはじめていた。ひどい頭痛のせいで、こめかみが震えていた。あまりに多くのことについて、一生懸命に考えたせいだった。些細なことばかりで、彼とは関係のないことだった。だが、いろいろありすぎたので、こうした速さで通り過ぎていき、ある考えから別の考えへと導かれていくのだった


The Lion and Unicorn had been fresh gilt since he was there before, but the white-headed old gaoler in the dock was much the same. And the big sword—what did they have a big sword for, stuck up there, over the red cushions, and what was the use of a sword six foot long? But perhaps it wasn’t six foot after all—it looked longer than it was; and no doubt it was only for show, and probably a dummy with no blade. There was a well-dressed black man sitting down below among the lawyers. What did he want? Why did they let him in? A nice thing—to be made a show of, for niggers! And Josh Perrott loosened his neckcloth with an indignant tug of the forefinger, and went off into another train of thought. He had a throbbing, wavering headache, the outcome of thinking so hard about so many things. They were small things, and had nothing to do with his own business; but there were so many of them, and they all had to be got through at such a pace, and one thing led to another.

Ever since they had taken him he had been oppressed by this plague of galloping thought, with few intervals of rest, when he could consider immediate concerns. But of these he made little trouble. The thing was done. Very well then, he would take his gruel like a man. He had done many a worse thing, he said, that had been thought less of.


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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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