アーサー・モリスン「ジェイゴウの子ども」 33章 158回





Every passage from the Jago was held by the police, and a search from house to house was begun. With clear consciences the Jagos all could deny any knowledge of Josh Perrott’s whereabouts; but a clear conscience was little valued in those parts, and one after another affirmed point blank that the man seen at the window was not Perrott at all, but a stranger who lived a long way off. This, of course, less by way of favouring the fugitive than of baffling the police: the Jago’s first duty. But the police knew the worth of such talk, and the search went on.

Thus it came to pass that in the grey of the morning a party in New Jago Street, after telling each other that the ruins must be carefully examined, climbed among the rubbish, and were startled by a voice from underground.

‘Awright,’ cried Josh Perrott in the cellar. ‘I’m done; it’s a cop. Come an’ ‘elp me out o’ this ‘ole.’

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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