

 「どうして? なにか心配なことがある?」ジョニーは訊いたが、残されたロウソクがわずかであるという状況に、彼も落ち着きを失っていた。「どこかでロウロクを手に入れたのかもしれないよ、ここまで戻ってこないで」





There was another pause, till Mrs. May remembered something. “The bit o’ candle he had in the lantern wouldn’t last an hour,” she said. “He’d ha’ had to come back for more. Johnny, I’m gettin’ nervous.”

“Why, what for?” asked Johnny, though the circumstance of the short candle startled his confidence. “He might get a light from somewhere else, ‘stead o’ comin’ all the way back.”

“But where?” asked Mrs. May. “There’s only the Dun Cow, an’ he might almost as well come home—besides, he wouldn’t ask ‘em.”

Johnny left the chair, and joined his mother at the door. As they listened a more regular sound made itself plain, amid the low hum of the trees; footsteps. “Here he comes,” said Johnny.

But the sound neared and the steps were long and the tread was heavy. In a few moments Bob Smallpiece’s voice came from the gloom, wishing them good-night.

さりはま の紹介

更新情報はツィッター sarihama_xx で。
カテゴリー: ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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