






Hicks put his arm about the woman’s waist and swung her back. He was angry now. “Get out!” he said, “I didn’t bring you to make a row like that! You swore you wouldn’t!”

Finding his arm too strong for her, the woman turned on Hicks and set to clawing at his face, never ceasing to scream for her husband. And then Johnny came pushing in at the door, having run from the far street-corner at sight of the crowd.

Hicks, as well as he could for dodging and catching at the woman’s wrists, made violent facial signals to Johnny, who stared, understanding none of them. But he heard the woman’s howls for her husband, and he caught at her arm. “Who is your husband?” he said. “What’s his name?”

“What’s ‘is name? Why Butson—’enery Butson’s ‘is name! Gimme my ‘usband! My ‘usband! Let me go, you villain!”

It was like an unexpected blow on the head to Johnny, but, save for a moment, it stunned not at all—rather roused him. “I’ll fetch him!” he cried, and sprang into the house.

Here was release—the man had another wife! He would drag the wretch down to her, and then give him to the police. No wonder he feared the police! The load was lifted at last—Butson’s punishment was come indeed! Fiercely glad, and thinking of nothing but this, Johnny swung into each room in turn.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: アーサー・モリスン, ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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