「あっちに行ってよ。あたしにかまわないで。のっぽの馬鹿野郎。あたしの夫はどこにいる? あんたなの、あのひとを奪ったのは?」彼女はベッシーのほうをむくと、その顔にむかって喚きたてた。
「あたしの夫なんだよ! あたしの夫はどこなんだ? あたしの夫を奪った女はでてこい」
ナンもでてきたが、奥の居間のドアのところで立ちどまった。状況は理解できていないながら、恐怖におそわれていた。女がふりかえった。「あんたなの? あんたなんだね」彼女は金切り声をあげると、缶や箱の山をくずして、頭上の宙をかきむしった。「夫をかえして。この恥知らずの女。どこにあの人を隠しているんだい。あたしの夫はどこにいる?」
“Take yer ‘and auf me, ye long fool! Where’s my ‘usband? Is it you what’s got ‘im?” She turned on Bessy and bawled the words in her face.
“No—no it ain’t!” cried Hicks, near beside himself. “Come away, an’—an’ we’ll talk about it outside!”
“Talk! O yus, I’ll give ‘im talk!” The woman’s every syllable was a harsh yell, racking to the brain, and already it had drawn a group about the door. “I’ll give ‘im talk, an’ ‘er too! Would anyone believe,” she went on, turning toward the door and haranguing the crowd, that grew at every word, “as ‘ow a woman calling ‘er-self respectable, an’ keepin’ a shop like any lady, kid take away a respectable woman’s ‘usband—a lazy good-for-nothin’ scoundril as run away an’ left me thirteen year ago last Whitsun!”
Boys sprang from everywhere, and pelted in to swell the crowd, drawn by the increasing screams. Many of the men, who knew the shop so well, stopped to learn what the trouble was; and soon every window in Harbour Lane displayed a woman’s head, or two.
“My ‘usband! Where’s my ‘usband? Show me the woman as took my ‘usband!”
Nan came and stood in the back parlour doorway, frightened but uncomprehending. The woman turned. “You! You is it?” she shrieked, oversetting a pile of tins and boxes, and clawing the air above her. “Gimme back my ‘usband, you shameless creechor! Where ‘a’ ye got ‘im? Where’s my ‘usband?”