

そう言いますと彼は熊手を肩にかついで、のっしのっしと危険な道をくだっていき、私は鷹といっしょに取り残されました。でも彼が立ち去ってからというもの、家を失った者の熱情にゆさぶられるのです。見たことのない雨にぬれた牧草地やら泥だらけの小道に思い悩むのです。こんなふうに私もアメリカのことを思うのだろうかと。 敬具


“`I mean,’ he said with increasing vehemence, `that if there be a house for me in heaven it will either have a green lamp-post and a hedge, or something quite as positive and personal as a green lamp-post and a hedge. I mean that God bade me love one spot and serve it, and do all things however wild in praise of it, so that this one spot might be a witness against all the infinities and the sophistries, that Paradise is somewhere and not anywhere, is something and not anything. And I would not be so very much surprised if the house in heaven had a real green lamp-post after all.’

“With which he shouldered his pole and went striding down the perilous paths below, and left me alone with the eagles. But since he went a fever of homelessness will often shake me. I am troubled by rainy meadows and mud cabins that I have never seen; and I wonder whether America will endure.— Yours faithfully, Louis Hara.”

さりはま の紹介

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